Alice in wonderland
"If I had a world of my own"
as - in - of
If I had a world (1________) my own, everything would be nonsense.
Nothing would be (2________) it is, because everything would be as it isn't.
And contrarywise, what it is, it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?だってすべてがあたりまえじゃないの ふつうのことがありえなくて ありえないことがふつうなの
(3________) my world, you wouldn't say "meow." You'd say, "Yes, Miss Alice."
Oh, but you would! You would be just like people, Dinah, and all the other animals, too. あなたたち動物はみんあ人間とまったく同じなのよ
Why, (4________) my world... 私の世界では
Cats and rabbits would reside (5________) fancy little houses and be dressed (6________) shoes and hats and trousers.
(7________) a world of my own, all the flowers would have very extra special powers. 私の世界の中では花だって特別な才能があるのよ
Nothing would be (2________) it is, because everything would be as it isn't.
And contrarywise, what it is, it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?だってすべてがあたりまえじゃないの ふつうのことがありえなくて ありえないことがふつうなの
(3________) my world, you wouldn't say "meow." You'd say, "Yes, Miss Alice."
Oh, but you would! You would be just like people, Dinah, and all the other animals, too. あなたたち動物はみんあ人間とまったく同じなのよ
Why, (4________) my world... 私の世界では
Cats and rabbits would reside (5________) fancy little houses and be dressed (6________) shoes and hats and trousers.
(7________) a world of my own, all the flowers would have very extra special powers. 私の世界の中では花だって特別な才能があるのよ
of - to
They would sit and talk (8________) me for hours.
私とすわって 何時間も お話しするの
When I'm lonely in a world (9________) my own. 私の世界で一人でぼっちで寂しい時
There'd be new birds, lots (10________) of nice and friendly how-de-do birds.
Everyone would have a dozen bluebirds. みんなが幸せの青い鳥をたくさん手にするの
Within that world (11________) my own. 私の世界の中では
I could listen (12________) a babbling brook and hear a song that I could understand. 小川のせせらぎはお話しして歌うの歌詞の意味がわかるのよ
I keep wishing it could be that way. そんなふうだったらといつも願ってるの
Because my world would be a wonderland. だって私の世界はふしぎの国だから
私とすわって 何時間も お話しするの
When I'm lonely in a world (9________) my own. 私の世界で一人でぼっちで寂しい時
There'd be new birds, lots (10________) of nice and friendly how-de-do birds.
Everyone would have a dozen bluebirds. みんなが幸せの青い鳥をたくさん手にするの
Within that world (11________) my own. 私の世界の中では
I could listen (12________) a babbling brook and hear a song that I could understand. 小川のせせらぎはお話しして歌うの歌詞の意味がわかるのよ
I keep wishing it could be that way. そんなふうだったらといつも願ってるの
Because my world would be a wonderland. だって私の世界はふしぎの国だから