baffle - biological - diagnosed - disorder - epidgenetic
evaluated - molecular - passed - run
evaluated - molecular - passed - run
Dad’s sperm may be to blame for autism
The search for a cause to autism continues to ________ scientists, but a new study from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine has found that ________ tags, or the factors that affect genes, could be behind the developmental ________ – according to a new study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.
The new study is based on past autism research that has found the condition tends to ________ in families.
"We wondered if we could learn what happens before someone gets autism," says Andrew Feinberg, a professor of ________ medicine at Johns Hopkins.
"If epigenetic changes are being ________ from fathers to their children, we should be able to detect them in sperm," noted study author Daniele Fallin, a professor and autism expert in the Bloomberg School of Public Health.
In the study, the team ________ the epigenetic tags in sperm from 44 fathers who were part of a continuing study to assess the factors that affect a child in early stages of development, before they are ________ with autism. The study also includes pregnant mothers who currently have a child with autism. ________ samples and data are collected from the parents and the babies after they are born. A year after the child was born, they were examined for early signs of autism using the Autism Observation Scale for Infants (AOSI).
The search for a cause to autism continues to ________ scientists, but a new study from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine has found that ________ tags, or the factors that affect genes, could be behind the developmental ________ – according to a new study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.
The new study is based on past autism research that has found the condition tends to ________ in families.
"We wondered if we could learn what happens before someone gets autism," says Andrew Feinberg, a professor of ________ medicine at Johns Hopkins.
"If epigenetic changes are being ________ from fathers to their children, we should be able to detect them in sperm," noted study author Daniele Fallin, a professor and autism expert in the Bloomberg School of Public Health.
In the study, the team ________ the epigenetic tags in sperm from 44 fathers who were part of a continuing study to assess the factors that affect a child in early stages of development, before they are ________ with autism. The study also includes pregnant mothers who currently have a child with autism. ________ samples and data are collected from the parents and the babies after they are born. A year after the child was born, they were examined for early signs of autism using the Autism Observation Scale for Infants (AOSI).
affected - background - contrasted - functions - notion - related - syndrome
After combing through epigenetic tags at 450,000 different positions throughout sperm genomes, the team ________ the odds of a tag being in a specific site with the AOSI rating of each child. The team found more than 190 different sites where a tag was significantly ________ to the autism scores.
Upon specific examination of the tags, the team discovered that many of them were near genes that played a role in developmental ________, particularly in neural development. Of particular interest were four of the 10 locations most clearly linked to the AOSI scores were near genes linked to Prader-Willi ________, a genetic condition that includes many of the same symptoms as autism. Many of the ________ epigenetic patterns were also discovered in people with autism, giving support to the ________ that they might be associated with autism.
The researchers said they plan to expand their work by looking at the occupational and environmental ________ of the fathers in the study to see if there might be a common factor.
Upon specific examination of the tags, the team discovered that many of them were near genes that played a role in developmental ________, particularly in neural development. Of particular interest were four of the 10 locations most clearly linked to the AOSI scores were near genes linked to Prader-Willi ________, a genetic condition that includes many of the same symptoms as autism. Many of the ________ epigenetic patterns were also discovered in people with autism, giving support to the ________ that they might be associated with autism.
The researchers said they plan to expand their work by looking at the occupational and environmental ________ of the fathers in the study to see if there might be a common factor.