- What will the future be like?
- How will cellphones change in the future?
- How will transportation develop in future times?
- How old will people live to be in the future?
- What kind of developments might happen in health care in the future?
- Could there be another world war in the future?
- How can we prevent a world war from happening?
- Where do you plan on going in the future?
- Can fortune-tellers predict the future?
- Do you think life will be more difficult or easier for our grandchildren?
- In what ways?
- How do you think Japan will change in the future?
- How do you think you will change in the future?
- Would you marry a robot?
- Do you think that one day robots will serve as childcare providers?
- How would you feel if you child liked the robot better than he/she liked you?
- Would you want to live on another planet?
- What is the future of money?
- If you could program your children's genetics, would you?
- Do you believe faster-than-light travel is possible?
- What will the human race look like in 1,000,000 years?
- If it were possible to read minds, would you want to?
- What will the cars of the future do?
- What will future houses look like?
- If you could live under the ocean, would you want to?
- Would you become half-robot if it meant living 1000 years?
- Will there be one global culture? If so, what will it look like?
- Would you like to live in cyberspace?
- Do you think the Earth will become overpopulated?
- How many people will live on Mars in 100 years?
- Should land on the moon be bought and sold?
- What will education be like in the future?
- Do you have an idea for an invention?
- Will robots be as smart as people?
- What is the job you would like to have in future?
- What is your lifetime dream?