- Are you going to a Halloween party?
- What day of the month is Halloween?
- Why is Halloween celebrated?
- How did Halloween get its name?
- How is Halloween celebrated in Japan?
- Do you believe in ghosts?
- Do you believe in magic?
- Do you think there are really witches and monsters?
- What makes you afraid of ghosts?
- What are some of the symbols of Halloween?
- If you could choose to be any monster, what would it be?
- What is your favorite magical story?
- If you could use a magical spell, like a love spell, on somebody, would you?
- Can you describe the best costume you've seen.
- Do you think it’s dangerous for children to go trick-or-treating?
- What do pumpkins have to do with Halloween?
- Do you think Halloween is scary?
- What’s the best Halloween movie you've seen?
- What would an alien think of humans if it came to Earth and saw Halloween?
- What do you think the black and orange colors of Halloween mean?