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Although Vending Machines Can Be Found Everywhere in Japan...
This summer I took part (1 ) a hiking expedition in the outskirts of Tokyo organized (2 ) an international exchange group.
That day was so hot that the bottles of many participants became empty soon (3 ) starting the walk.
The rest stop was still far, and someone muttered, “I’m thirsty. I hope we can find a vending machine.”
There was no way we’d find one (4 ) such a mountain path. We walked on in silence.
こんな山道にあるわけがありません。 私たちは黙々と歩き続けました。
(5 ) a while somebody shouted. “There’s a vending machine!”
しばらくすると、誰かが叫びました。「自動販売機がある よ!」と。
A young man (6 ) Southeast Asia loudly exclaimed “Ah!” and was first to put a coin (7 ) the machine.
He pressed a button, but a bottle was not dispensed.
彼はボタンを押しましたが、ボトルが出て きません。
A phone number is displayed (8 ) vending machines for when they are out of order.
However, even if the money is refunded, it takes time (9 ) an employee to arrive.
Nobody could buy a drink, but unable to wait, we soon departed.
誰も飲み物を買うことができず、しかし待つわけにも いかず、私たちはすぐに出発 しました。
He said angrily, “This is out and out fraud. They are making money hand (1o ) fist because they don’t have to hand (11 ) the product.”
彼は怒って言いました。「これは絶対に詐欺ですよ。商品を渡さないんだから、ぼろ儲けして いる」と。
And he continued “I’m disappointed (12 ) I’ve trusted Japanese business.”
そして日本の商売を信用していたのにがっかり だ」と続けました。
Some days later, I received an email (13 ) him. In it he wrote:
数日後、彼からメールが届きました。そこにはこう書かれて いました。
“The following day I called the vending machine dealer and (14 ) my surprise they brought the money to my house along with an additional bottle (15 ) an apology.”
「次の日に自動販売機の業者に電話したら、何とお金と、謝罪と してボトル1本を自宅に持ってきてくれました」と。
This summer I took part (1 ) a hiking expedition in the outskirts of Tokyo organized (2 ) an international exchange group.
That day was so hot that the bottles of many participants became empty soon (3 ) starting the walk.
The rest stop was still far, and someone muttered, “I’m thirsty. I hope we can find a vending machine.”
There was no way we’d find one (4 ) such a mountain path. We walked on in silence.
こんな山道にあるわけがありません。 私たちは黙々と歩き続けました。
(5 ) a while somebody shouted. “There’s a vending machine!”
しばらくすると、誰かが叫びました。「自動販売機がある よ!」と。
A young man (6 ) Southeast Asia loudly exclaimed “Ah!” and was first to put a coin (7 ) the machine.
He pressed a button, but a bottle was not dispensed.
彼はボタンを押しましたが、ボトルが出て きません。
A phone number is displayed (8 ) vending machines for when they are out of order.
However, even if the money is refunded, it takes time (9 ) an employee to arrive.
Nobody could buy a drink, but unable to wait, we soon departed.
誰も飲み物を買うことができず、しかし待つわけにも いかず、私たちはすぐに出発 しました。
He said angrily, “This is out and out fraud. They are making money hand (1o ) fist because they don’t have to hand (11 ) the product.”
彼は怒って言いました。「これは絶対に詐欺ですよ。商品を渡さないんだから、ぼろ儲けして いる」と。
And he continued “I’m disappointed (12 ) I’ve trusted Japanese business.”
そして日本の商売を信用していたのにがっかり だ」と続けました。
Some days later, I received an email (13 ) him. In it he wrote:
数日後、彼からメールが届きました。そこにはこう書かれて いました。
“The following day I called the vending machine dealer and (14 ) my surprise they brought the money to my house along with an additional bottle (15 ) an apology.”
「次の日に自動販売機の業者に電話したら、何とお金と、謝罪と してボトル1本を自宅に持ってきてくれました」と。