Fortune Telling That Works Very Well!?
about - among - from - in - including - of - that - to - up
Fortune telling is very popular (1_________) Japan. 日本では占いがとても盛んです。
TV stations broadcast astrological forecasts daily just like the weather forecast, and special pages are allocated (2_________) this topic in many magazines.
Many people enjoy it as a bit (3_________) fun, but some are obsessed.
There are many different kinds of fortune telling (4_________) Chinese horoscopes and palm reading. 占いには、占星術や手相占いなどいろいろあります。
(5_________) these, fortunetelling by blood type, which originated (6_________) Japan, is especially popular. なかでも、 日本で始まった血液型占いは特に人気です。
There are four main blood types. 主な血液型は4種類あります。
It is said (7_________) type A is diligent and nervous, type B is optimistic and selfish, type O is realistic and rough and type AB is rational and two-faced.
One day, Mr. T, a representative (8_________) one of Hiragana Times’ sponsor companies, came to our office to talk (9_________) advertisement renewal.
I introduced two (10_________) my staff, a man and woman, to him.
Before drawing (11_________) a contract we chatted awhile.
TV stations broadcast astrological forecasts daily just like the weather forecast, and special pages are allocated (2_________) this topic in many magazines.
Many people enjoy it as a bit (3_________) fun, but some are obsessed.
There are many different kinds of fortune telling (4_________) Chinese horoscopes and palm reading. 占いには、占星術や手相占いなどいろいろあります。
(5_________) these, fortunetelling by blood type, which originated (6_________) Japan, is especially popular. なかでも、 日本で始まった血液型占いは特に人気です。
There are four main blood types. 主な血液型は4種類あります。
It is said (7_________) type A is diligent and nervous, type B is optimistic and selfish, type O is realistic and rough and type AB is rational and two-faced.
One day, Mr. T, a representative (8_________) one of Hiragana Times’ sponsor companies, came to our office to talk (9_________) advertisement renewal.
I introduced two (10_________) my staff, a man and woman, to him.
Before drawing (11_________) a contract we chatted awhile.
after - by - in - of - to - with
Mr. T said he loved fortune telling (12_________) blood type and said to the female member (13_________) staff, “Isn’t your blood type A?” Tさんは、血液型占いが好きだと言い、女性スタッフに「あなたの血液型はA型じゃないですか」と聞きました。
(14_________) a surprised look, she replied, “Yes, but how did you know that?”
彼女は驚いたような表情を浮かべ、「そうです。でもどうして わかるんですか」と言いました。
Mr. T explained, “You were taking notes seriously. It is a peculiarity (15_________) type A.”
After that Mr. T said (16_________) the male member of staff, “You seem to behave as you please, so you must be type B.” Then the man answered, “You’re correct.” そして、Tさんは男性スタッフに、「君は、マイペースなようなので B型だと思う」と言いました。すると彼は、「当たりです」と答えました。
I praised T’s powers (17_________) observation, saying “Great!”
He said, “(18_________) observing people’s behaviors, I can tell the correct type almost perfectly.”
The contract was renewed smoothly. 契約はスムーズに更新されました。
(19_________) Mr. T left the office I said to those two members of staff, “Fortunetelling (20_________) blood type is awesome.”
The female member (21_________) staff shook her head, “In fact he was wrong I only pretended to make him happy.”
Then the male member (22_________) staff said, “I also lied. Anyway he renewed the contract (23_________) a good mood, aren’t we good sales staff?”
続いて男性スタッフが言いました。「僕もうそをつきました。おかげで気分良く契約してくれました。私たちいいセールスマン でしょう?」
(14_________) a surprised look, she replied, “Yes, but how did you know that?”
彼女は驚いたような表情を浮かべ、「そうです。でもどうして わかるんですか」と言いました。
Mr. T explained, “You were taking notes seriously. It is a peculiarity (15_________) type A.”
After that Mr. T said (16_________) the male member of staff, “You seem to behave as you please, so you must be type B.” Then the man answered, “You’re correct.” そして、Tさんは男性スタッフに、「君は、マイペースなようなので B型だと思う」と言いました。すると彼は、「当たりです」と答えました。
I praised T’s powers (17_________) observation, saying “Great!”
He said, “(18_________) observing people’s behaviors, I can tell the correct type almost perfectly.”
The contract was renewed smoothly. 契約はスムーズに更新されました。
(19_________) Mr. T left the office I said to those two members of staff, “Fortunetelling (20_________) blood type is awesome.”
The female member (21_________) staff shook her head, “In fact he was wrong I only pretended to make him happy.”
Then the male member (22_________) staff said, “I also lied. Anyway he renewed the contract (23_________) a good mood, aren’t we good sales staff?”
続いて男性スタッフが言いました。「僕もうそをつきました。おかげで気分良く契約してくれました。私たちいいセールスマン でしょう?」